Nail is below the seam of next course this will leak 
Nail not flush with shingle 
Improper flashing No flashing
This is guaranteed to leak 
Each course should stagger 10 inch they are 5 to 6 inch per course

Nail hole in old dormer flashing and water trapped behind silicon 
These two photos show the extended amount of time where the exposed roof sheeting was left uncovered and ultimately rained upon. Between 6pm on May 16th through approximately  on May 18th - the exposed roof took on roughly 4 inches of rain. 
The Crimson Arbor Association has a page on facebook. This is a private group, for the homeowners within the association to join and follow updates! Click HERE to join!
Community Association Group Reviews 

5/19/2020 at 2 PM
click on
Crimson Arbor Association 
CAG (Community Association Group) is the management company, contracted through Crimson Arbor Owners, and is currently managing this project. However, the contractor, hired by CAG, is providing subpar workmanship, as shown in the pictures below.
More holes in what should be new dormer flashing
The new roof with old dormer flashing with holes in it 
My name is Gary Klingelhut. For the past 10 years, I have had the privilege of living within this community. Like many of you, I take pride and care greatly about the community and numerous friendly neighbors I’ve gotten to know over time.  I grew up in a family of building, remodeling and construction dating back to 1937. Over the course of my 45-year career and diverse experience on project size and complexity, I also saw the fallout of many homeowners’ bad experiences with home projects. For various reasons, the result was often the same: unexpected expense to an already costly project and the need to fix/redo what was done incorrectly or with poor workmanship. And what can’t be calculated is the undo stress this puts on homeowners.  

This clearly shows where the nail is improperly spaced. Unfortunately there were too many pictures to show this sloppy work, but I can confidently say it took seconds to see the first of many to believe that it was not just 1 out of 1000. With oversight to detail and accepting work like this, we all will have front row seats as we watch the various shingles flying through the air on a windy day. Don’t bother chasing after them or trying to collect them; the manufacturer will not warranty them, particularly when they inspect how the shingles were installed. 
Here you can see how roofs create a leak over time. If the nail is placed below the seam, it will just be a matter of time before the water stains on our ceilings have us wondering who was managing and inspecting the quality of work for the costly roof that we all paid for. 

So why is it important to speak up now with concerns, even while the project is in full swing? Simply put, we have a right to voice concerns and have them escalated with an accountability to those who are not on the board, or for those who are not confident in going before the board in fear that the question they ask will be seen as frivolous and deflected with a patronizing response. We all have a fiduciary responsibility to question and receive clear and definitive answers. One other project that has now been completed but due to COVID-19, was slipped in without allowing for the questions and answers to the residents of Crimson Arbors was the costly and unnecessary gutter project, which cost the association (drumroll please…..) approximately $100,000! THAT was when I started to question the serving of bologna we’ve all been spoonfed.  
Manufacturer installation instruction 
For the record, it's important to note that it is not my intent to gain business or be included as part of the contract work. Professionally and ethically speaking, it would not be appropriate for me to be a contracted worker or receive payment due to my affiliation as a resident of Crimson Arbor.
No nail
The pictures of improper installation are on my roof and too many to post
The Savage building inspectors won’t go on your roof 
I would suggest Having your roof inspected for proper insulation
Old gutter corner done correctly looks great little dirty but so is the Soffit 
New gutters with screws on the bottom that will rust and leak
All the new dormer flashing Not used
Crimson Arbor Association Homeowners
United States of America
Per Crimson Arbor Bylaws, Section 4.3, the owners of Crimson Arbor Association (Savage, MN) request a special meeting of the Board of Directors.

Purpose: The purpose of this meeting is to allow homeowners the opportunity to address the Board and to provide a forum for homeowners to raise concerns to the Board.

Need: The last homeowner annual meetings was held in March 2019 (refer to Bylaw Section 4.2). The Board of Directors has not provided notice of their quarterly board meetings since May 2019 as required per Bylaws (refer to Bylaws Section 6.5.5).

We, the homeowners of the Crimson Arbor Association, request a special meeting of the Board of Directions per Section 4.3 of the Crimson Arbor Bylaws.

The purpose of this meeting is to allow homeowners the opportunity to address the Board and to provide a forum for homeowners to raise concerns to the Board. Topics to be discussed at the meeting are laid out in the document "Special Meeting Purpose – Crimson Arbor Association Owners (2020)."